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Training Room

Training Room

The Rink 2 Training Area features 6 weight racks, a variety of dumbbells and free weights, benches, Plyo-boxes, medicine balls, slide-boards, jump ropes, cones, and more for all of your training needs. There is plenty of open space in the middle of the room for all your stretching, running, jumping, or yoga. 

Rental Rate: $50/hr.

For availability, see the calendar HERE. Questions and reservation requests may be sent to arena management at:

952-470-4099 or

Please include the following information with your request:

  • Group/organization name
  • Account mailing address
  • Account contact (person responsible for billing)
  • Account phone number AND e-mail
  • Desired facility, date, and time of the reservation

Pagel Management

Matt Brausen

Arena Manager

Phone: Office: 952-470-4409 or Cell: 320-761-7708

Amber Karcher-Ramos

Office Manager

Phone: 952-470-4099

Connect with Us

Pagel Activity Center

Located on the Minnetonka High School campus

18313 Highway 7
Minnetonka, MN 55345

(click on photo for directions)